Monday, August 11, 2014


Well hello there!!!! My name is Kelli Jean and this is my first official blog! I want to take a second to tell you a little about myself. I am thirty two years old, but we won't get too much into that. :) I live in a suburb near Chicago with my husband Alex. Alex and I met back in 2000. I was a senior in high school and he was a junior. We met one day at lunch and the rest is history. We have been married for almost 5 years after waiting patiently for almost 9 years for him to pop the question, LOL.

I have always had a passion for fashion, however, I was always a few trends behind. I joined Instagram about 2 years ago where I met a lot of fabulous ladies. With some inspiration from others I finally found my true self. I have ventured out into the fashion world and have given different styles a chance that I was too afraid of in the past. So being a 'Fashionista' in training, as I like to call it, I love to go shopping for new clothes, shoes and accessories. You name it, I want it. However, I am not a big spender. I find the best bang for my buck. If there is a deal out there, I will find it!
Besides shopping I love being active. I am not the kind of person to just sit around with nothing to do. I love being outdoors. Summer is my favorite season with fall closely behind. The weather is just perfect and I need to be outside. I love spending time at the beach, going for walks or just taking a drive with no destination in mind. I decided to start this blog so I can share with others my many passions.

Whether it's shopping, cooking, home decor projects, etc. I have so much to share and I thank you all for coming on this journey with me.

Keep it classy
Kelli Jean


  1. Kelli! So awesome you followed me! Following you back, so excited that you have an awesome blog! :) Your always adorable in your instagram photo's so this blog will be rocking! :)

    1. Hey Iris!! Thanks for following me in this Journey I am really excited to share my ideas!!!! And of course I followed your I just love all your instagram post!!!!
